Non specificato

Una cena da organizzare all’ultimo minuto, e il dubbio se qualcuno degli invitati porterà mai un dolce….
Niente panico: 10 minuti è il tempo che vi occorre per preparare queste eleganti e deliziose praline al cocco.
Dimenticavo….la ricetta mi è stata regalata da Chiara una sera che mi ha fatto assaggiare queste delizie!!

200 gr di ricotta
200 gr di farina di cocco (per l’impasto)
100 gr di zucchero


Lavorare la ricotta con lo zucchero, unire la farina di cocco e mescolare bene.
Formare delle palline e rotolarle  nella farina di cocco.
Lasciare riposare in frigo per almeno 30 minuti prima di servire.

Categoria: Dolci   Tags:, , ,


  1. Parthena ha detto:

    For the love of God, keep writing these ariltces.

  2. Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

  3. me enorgullese enormemente poder habido formar parte de esto,,,,estoy feliz,,,dimos ropa de mis hijos y en agradesimiento mis hijos les hicieron dibujos y lo pusieron dentro de las bolsas ,.,,..son lo MAS sigan asi,,fiel oyente 🙂

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  11. There is a critical shortage of informative articles like this.

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  14. That’s really shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.

  15. That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx

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  21. A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!

  22. Furrealz? That’s marvelously good to know.

  23. I really wish there were more articles like this on the web.

  24. SomeOneНу Ви теж перегнули. Яке “історичне підґрунтя” є в “Трьох мушкетерах”? Це художні фільм і усе. Так само, як книжки Дюма перекладаються багатьма мовами світу, так і увесь фільм робиться однією мовою, так як він є художнім без історичної спрямованості.

  25. Joe> It is actually a fact that average VC returns are negative, and that you need to be in the top 25 percentile (though lower in great vintages) to make money for your own investors.Yes there is still a lot of opportunities in the Web world, and what Peter is saying is that we are going to have to work harder to find them, and help them grow.

  26. Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.

  27. Too awesome! “Nails” was a true creeper. That one should get whatever is the equivalent of an Oscar. It’s that good. “The Voyagers” was nice, and brought back some cool memories. Ending with “Laughs” is very appropriate. But my personal favorite is “Adventures of a Cardboard Box”. Lots more cool memories. Thanks for sharing these!!

  28. Wow, the positive energy that beams from your videos is very powerfull. Yes Bill, you are doing it, big style now, and it is exciting & inspiring to watch.

  29. Now I’m like, well duh! Truly thankful for your help.

  30. SO glad to hear things are going a bit better for all concerned – I can’t imagine the stress your family has been under with ALL these occurrences at once. I saw the book was on the Carina Top 5 List today (at #4) – YAY!!! Sending hugs and mental Vitamin C!

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  33. One or two to remember, that is.

  34. it’s funny you mention the plywood. We just completed prying out the plywood overlayment in our kitchen. It was 3/4″ B/C, full of staples and with 12″ vinyl squares glued to it and enough nails to make it look like a bed in a side-show. We put it out for the trash man and it disappeared within a couple of hours.

  35. It is very telling that so many people are willing to shell out 5k to work at a fasting retreat! To me this sounds very cultish indeed.  Heather, Veganism has become just another excuse to bully people.  Emotionally people have a hard time seeing that their gurus are not the people they have been lead to believe. Just look at the amount of people that used to follow the pedophile Sai Baba in India. These people often attract very well educated and financially successful people. It is indeed a bizarre world we live in. 

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  47. All Saints’ and All Souls’ are two of the most genuinely affecting things about Catholic and Orthodox Christianity. Even Diarmaid MacCulloch, who grew up in a C of E rectory in East Anglia and still maintains Reformed Protestant sympathies, calls communion with the dead the “most striking, remarkable feature” of Western Christiantiy before the Reformation.

  48. Frankly I think that’s absolutely good stuff.

  49. that the loon in Missouri didn't get coverage because he was a supposed lefty is out to lunch.Since when has the big business media given deferrence to the radical community? I'm not talking about the liberal community that the press mistakenly on purpose keeps referring to as the "left." The real leftist community gets very little coverage by the Big Business press.These guys have no interest in giving coverage to anyone who opposes capitalism and its unequal distribution of wealth and its mistreatment of the poor and working class.

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  60. Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!

  61. Good point. I hadn’t thought about it quite that way. 🙂

  62. Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.

  63. Stay informative, San Diego, yeah boy!

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  65. I smell a dead rape! Lol. Awesome vid, love the animation. The zombies are actually sorta cute… I like how they’re very sweet and don’t actually do much of? anything.

  66. I did like this film with its quirkiness and unique ending. I actually thought Drew played her role pretty well too and I don’t generally praise her performances (except ET). I didn’t remember Patrick Swazye being in the film but it was awhile ago.

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  108. Yeah. He looked a bit different on the cover of Adventure, compared to how he actually looks in the game. If you ask me, he should look like he does on the Sonic Adventure cover in the games.

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    Grinder:"So, I think that while the sterilization idea has some merit, I also think that the underlying politics of it are impossible, at least insofar as it might come from white legislators."Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come up with one of their black flunkies to preach their message, such as Ron Christie or Jesse Lee Peterson and catch a lot of frustrated blacks in the net of their hidden snare and trap at their weakest point unaware and blind to what it will really bring about.I can only warn folks, but I can't make them receive the vision.

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    Si hay rubios pobres tal vez no tanto como para pedir lismona, pero si lo hay, la gente piensa que no por que estan acomplejados con que ser guerito es mejor que ser moreno e implica mayor estatus.

  128. I dont think everyone can give 1 crore or capital punishment is the solution….We need to have stringent rules, strict and vigilant officers.just the other day I saw a child being mowed down by a front of his parents and me in a place where nobody could think it could happen..the Motorcylist was not a rich manso we shouldnt think of this in the rich and poor context, instead a traffic problem and how it can be solved.

  129. Se trata de una iniciativa muy iretnesante. Enhorabuena por esta labor.Hubiera sido, por otro lado, un complemento excelente para el Programa de Tre1nsito que estamos llevando a cabo en el CEIP de la Barriada de los Mochos. Sugiero, por este motivo, que con el tiempo esta actividad sea llevada a barriadas y localidades con alto edndice de poblacif3n gitana, y no se limite a las capitales de provincia.Atentamente,Ange9lica Prieto MolinaEducadora Social EOE Palma del Redo

  130. Elizabeth · domenica, 2 dicembre 2012, 8:26 pmSul TGR della lombardia hanno intervistato gente che ha votato per Renzi. Molti hanno sempre votato destra e continueranno a farlo. Uno, orgogliosissimo, diceva che lui riteneva AN di sinistra!

  131. Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.

  132. The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.

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    Yeah, the thing about impeachment is that it is not a legal tool in the same sense that an actual criminal trial is. Impeachment is a political tool and thus it can be distorted in myriad ways.Politically, 1998 went really poorly and a lot of that could be chalked up to the impeachment nonsense the GOP got itself wrapped up in. The Republicans need to keep their eye on the ball, which is to kick ass in 2010 and push very hard for repeal of ObamaCare.Good post, Matt.

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